Monday, April 27, 2015

Helping Hands

We have a new investigator! His name is Daniel and he is from Africa! I committed him to be baptized and he accepted. It was like my dream lesson. We watched the Restoration film with him and I asked him how he felt. I told him that it was the Holy Ghost. The spirit was soo strong. 

We meet with Leif this week and we taught him the Word of Wisdom and guess what.... he doesn't drink coffee or tea! Miracle!! It was such a good lesson and we had an awesome member on the teach, which made it even better. We love Leif!

We had a service project this week with the ward. We helped clean up trash around a lake and we wore Helping Hands vests. It was my dream to wear one of those yellow vests haha. Good times with the ward and missionaries. 

Drago is doing good! We had stake conference in another city yesterday and so we showed him how to get there by bus.. we were worried he would get lost, but no... he made it and was early!! what a guy. 

When I was on splits with Sister Gates we didn't know what to do one night. We had a Book of Mormon we have been meaning to give to this Thai lady so I said lets go give it to her. It was perfect! We taught her about the Book of Mormon in her Thai restaurant and she gave us food. She is the cutest and a new investigator!

I am so grateful to be here in Norway and to serve with Sister Hartley and Sister Gates. I have been learning a lot about myself and accepting myself for who I am. God made us who we are for a reason. Use the talents and strengths God has given you and magnify them. Be happy for others and don't compare. God has a plan for you and wants to help you find who you truly are and know it. It is between you and the Lord. 

Love you!!
-Søster Allen

Note from Jenn:
Just a quick note from Jenn:  Jessica didn't send a group email last week.  She just didn't have a lot of new stuff to report.  She mentioned that she may not send a group email every week.  Sometimes she sends pictures that I will put up on her blog, but don't worry if you don't get a group email each week.  She is doing awesome and loving every minute it.   She did send one this week. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015

God exists! I Know it & I'm Not Afraid to Tell People

I love Sister Hartley! She is the bomb. We got 4 new investigators this week. So that was pretty sweet. 

We are meeting with Leif tonight and hope we can meet with him again this week. I still feel inadequate about the language, but yesterday in church was the first time I felt like I understood what they were saying in norsk .. it was awesome! 

Drago came to church and will be receiving the Aaronic priesthood next week. What a guy. 

So one of the new investigators we found was actually a street contact right in front of our house in Nordstrand. She was walking her dog and said that she was taught the missionary lessons when she was 13 in Chile. So we met with her twice last week. We will see her again this week. So that's pretty sweet. 

We contacted another girl in the city and she came with two other friends to the lesson. They all became new investigators and we were able to give them all Book of Mormons in Spanish, Russian, and Ukrainian. It is a melting pot here, I tell ya! It is rare to teach a Norwegian in Oslo. 

Another cool story..
At the beginning of last week me and Sister Hartley were taking the Trykk home and a 17 year old norwegian boy comes and sits right across from me and starts talking to me. He asked me what it was like to be a missionary in Norway. He was soo interested in what I do and why I believe in God and how I find out there is a God. It was soo cool. I asked him for his number, but he said he wanted mine.. ah man! I hope so badly he calls. It was such a sweet experience. I have never been approached by a norwegian.

I love being a missionary. I care about the people we find and teach. I study for them in the morning and hope I can be able to help them come unto Christ in some way. It truly brings me so much happiness. I love and hate when we talk on the streets to people who do NOT believe in God and then God always shows me a sign that he is real. Like last night.. we were getting "you are crazy to believe in God" and then we contacted a lady that was once a member of the church. That doesn't just happen! God puts certain people in our life for a reason! The world is beautiful! We have a prophet! We have the Book of Mormon! We have families! Why not believe! Why not hope!? Why doubt?! Why live with no purpose? I don't get it. I know that God exists! I know it and I am not afraid to tell people and make them realize it through my eyes.

Norway is the bomb and we hiked a pretty sweet mountain today. I saw all of Oslo and some other cities at the top.

Love you all and I appreciate all the support and prayers!
Sister Allen

Monday, April 6, 2015

Thank You Heavenly Father

Hei Alle! 

Where do I even begin! 

My companion Søster Robbins went home on Wednesday and it was sad! I love her! 

My new companion, Søster Hartley arrived in Oslo that night. I love Søster Hartley! She is 20 years old and from Oregon. She is spunky and super outgoing. 

We had an amazing general conference weekend! I love general conference! Drago came to watch all sessions in his suit. I am so proud of him!  

Drago's Baptism March 28, 2015

On Saturday, the other sets of sisters had a baptism! Miracles have been happening ever since Drago got baptized last week. He was the first baptism in Oslo this year and now a lot of the other investigators want to be baptized because of it. So cool! 

Finding moment: I told Søster Hartley that I have always wanted to contact on this bridge that goes over the ocean to this island.. it is sooo beautiful.. and she said let do it! So we did and found a new investigator from Greece on the bridge! Yay! It was awesome. 

Highlight of General Conference:
Priesthood session= My favorite session. Thank you Heavenly Father. 
There were a ton of talks on Marriage and Family. I think God knows what's up. I loved it! 
We got to watch the last session at 10pm last night.. so that was fun and tiring.:)

Tip of the day:
Norway like breaks\holiday\vacationing. God Påske week = Ghost town. No one is home. Everyone goes to the mountains to stay in their cabin and ski.

I am so grateful for the church and the gospel! It is true! The Book of Mormon is true! I am so thankful for a living prophet and apostles. God loves us soo much. We are so lucky. The general conference talks were inspired and if we follow their teachings we will be truly happy! That is a great promise! 

Now go live it, share it, and defend it!

 I love Jesus Christ! He lives! Let your light shine before men!
Søster Allen
My Oslo District. They were so fun.